Saturday, February 21, 2009

Thoughts And Notions the new album, out this March!

We are finally in the final stages of completing the production of the album. The replication of the CDs are currently commencing, while the packaging of the album is currently in the works. The overall feel of the album is indie, because we are going the indie route in releasing this one. Minimalist approach from the outside, but rich in content from the inside. The album's packaging concept would be something new and not so typical. Basically what you would be buying is a package that is stuffed with materials that would help you build your own album. Apart from the Vinyl coated CD that we would be using for the album, the package will include a couple of artworks printed on a CD sleeve that you could choose when building your own album. There will also be a lyrics sheet and a separate Lyric card, or should I say Prayer Card that would contain one of our songs. We call this packaging concept as "Build Your Own Album." We feel that we are not just selling our songs or a CD, but the experience as well to be as creative as you can be.
The album would contain 10 tracks plus 2 bonus tracks. The 2 bonus tracks are in the local vernacular, which is tagalog and the other one in visayan, our local tongue. Thoughts And Notions' songs has always been in english because of our limited vocabulary of the tagalog language, but this time out, we are taking a crack at writing songs in the local dialect. Hence, we included two bonus tracks that would honor our Filipino roots. We have also widened our musical scope and genres without necessarily diverting too much away from our signature sound. There will be songs that are in the mold of Earthbound Angel (most of our listeners' favorite from the first album) as well as the big band big stadium setup types of songs (akin to another crowd favorite song from our first album called Brand New Day). But most of all, we will be sharing some new types of songs that we have never written before (i.e. songs with violin tracks to name a few). We are all very excited with this album because this was a total collective effort from the band and me. I had lots of songwriting help from the other band members.
The album should be out by March, barring any hitches in the production process. We would love to tour this album in your Church, School, Office, Company, or anywhere you would want to hear us play live. Just contact us for Gigs.
Hope you guys would pick this album up. Thanks and God Bless!
Sincerely Yours,
Lyricist/Band Manager
Thoughts And Notions
I've heard that our debut album has already sold out from the stores with the limited copies that it have. Will try to confirm it. If it's true, maybe we could rerelease it. Depending if there is still a demand for it.