Sunday, January 25, 2009

U.S. Based Interview with Shofar Radio

Finally got the copy of our taped interview with Shofar Radio. First things first, I hate my voice hehe. This is the most detailed Radio interview that I had with a Radio station with regards to the band's history as well as our first Interview that would touch on the new album due out sometime in February. The carrier single of the new album called Runaway Angel is being played as the background music through out the show. The version being used is the final version. Awhile back, I posted a demo version of the song here in our blogs. The final version sounds heavier and richer with keyboard tracks added to make the whole song fuller. And one last thing, towards the end of the interview, the Radio Jock made mentioned of an upcoming concert... Well we are going to CEBU this coming June. Stay tuned for updates of our Cebu tour. Exciting!



My comments about emo songs and bands is not meant to be a slant against emo bands. I myself is a big fan of emo music when it all began. Most notably Dashboard Confessionals, who I guessed, started everything. I just believe that the reason for the amount of success that emo music has attained is because of it's ability to let their audience identify with them.   


  1. Thanks2x We'll need all the prayers that we could and support sa community mon hehe

  2. woohooo!!!! grabe ka rakenrol! spread the sound of the south! :) congrats sa inyo mga amigos y amigas :)

  3. Cool... will just see you this June then.

  4. Sure! hope you could join us in the trip =)

  5. Like I could be your opening act.

  6. ah that i don't know kay it's a Christian event. hehe but if you are a Christian artist, maybe the organizers could help you out

  7. What's the event? Well I have to unearth my Christian songs then. Hehe. The first songs I wrote are Christian in nature, then slowly made songs that don't sound too religious but the message stays the same, positive and encouraging.

  8. i think that's a start. our songs don't sound too Christian too. We call it Inspirational Rock! hehe. But i like your song rest in my heart. =)

  9. I didn't record this, Shofar Radio recorded it for them to air in their Radio Stations
